ACT Airlines
About ACT Airlines
Established in 2004 to perform unscheduled air cargo services providing extra capacity to major carriers – ACMI (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance). When established the initial fleet was 2 A300-B4s and the number increased up to 8 and then A300s were phased out and as of 2011, replaced by B747-400s. (Currently 5)
ACT Airlines is the one and only Turkish operator flying B747-400s.
Holding IOSA certificate since 2007, we provide ACMI and Ad-Hoc Charter services to customers, including brokers, freight forwarders, direct shippers and airlines. In addition, ACT Airlines provides outsourced aircraft operating solutions, including the provision of an aircraft crew, maintenance and insurance, while customers undertake fuel, demand and yield risk.
A professional airline doing business with an amateur spirit, we aim to be a leading air freighter company who shall be the customers’ first choice with respect to the quality and range of its services, and to keep growing with sustainable profitability. We can handle challenging operations worldwide. Performed hundreds of Ad-Hoc flights including UN’s humanitarian aid operations, immediately after various disasters, ACT Airlines proved its fast and flexible capabilities.
Quality & Safety Policy
ACT Airlines, with partnership and active involvement of its managers and employees, will conduct its business in a manner that ensures the health and safety of its employees, customers, the general public, its contractors, agents, subsidiary, and associated companies while meeting its obligations under all applicable regulations and standards: at global level, with International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), at European level with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and nationally with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) of Turkey, at company level Code of Business Conduct & Ethics. Furthermore, we comply with the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA), a global evaluation guaranteeing high safety standards.
We will constantly monitor all sources of information both internal and external, as we are willing to make changes as necessary to keep the management system refreshed.
We will ensure management of safety risks to operations, promote safety awareness, establishment of a safety culture and continually improve operational quality, safety and security performance.
Our commitment is to:
Provide necessary resources –which includes sufficient trained and educated manpower,
Realize appropriate training and education programs for all managers and employees,
Run inspection and audit programs that provides feedback and results in timely preventive, corrective and improvement actions -such inspection and audit programs shall cover externally supplied systems and services to support our operations ,
Encourage effective reporting and communication of internal quality, safety and security related issues,
Establish and operate hazard identification, reporting and risk management processes,
Measure and monitor safety performance against realistic safety performance indicators and safety performance targets,
Employees will, as a condition of employment commit to the principle that:
Code of Conducts & Ethics
ACT Airlines is committed to conduct business in an ethical fashion that complies with all applicable laws and regulations. We promote equal employment opportunities and prohibit discriminatory practices. We are committed to satisfy our customers’, suppliers’ and our shareholders’ expectations in a honest and fair manner. We respects the privacy of every employee in the conduct of his/her personal affairs. However, we ask our employees to ensure that their personal and financial interests do not conflict with, or appear to conflict with, their duties on behalf of ACT Airlines. Paying extreme care to confidentiality, we promote open communication and run a structured reporting system to support organizational learning and continuous improvement of our processes.