Select Global Women in Tech Mentorship Network is Back!
Apply to be a Mentor – Applications Now Open!
Calling all mentors! This June, as part of the 2022 SelectUSA Investment Summit, we are thrilled to bring back the Select Global Women in Tech (SGWIT) Mentorship Network. Applications for mentors are open now until Friday, May 6, 11:59 pm EDT. The Mentorship Network will introduce international female tech entrepreneurs to the U.S. market with the support of SelectUSA’s traditional data and counseling services as well as new training opportunities. The SelectUSA team is proud to bring together resources from across the United States to support international female entrepreneurs in their U.S. investment journey.
SGWIT is a platform designed to support mentorship and learning. Mentors will be selected from across the U.S. startup ecosystem based on their interest in supporting female-run businesses. Participants are asked to commit to at least three one-on-one meetings over the course of the six-month program, including an introductory meeting, at least one progress update check-in, and a final meeting to follow up and decide on next steps. Both mentors and mentees will benefit from the one-on-one relationship as they build new skills, make new contacts, ignite new ideas, achieve their goals, and reinvigorate their own work.
If you or someone you know is interested in serving as a mentor, check out the information below!
Mentors: SGWIT mentors are U.S.-based successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, venture capitalists, angel investors, and attorneys interested in supporting international female founders in their efforts to achieve their U.S. expansion goals. Mentors will be asked to be a sounding board and offer suggestions to help mentees overcome the challenges they face in scaling, promoting, fundraising, and generally establishing their business in the United States. Note that U.S. government employees and economic development organization officials may not serve as mentors but may support the network via educational content contributions or events.
Note: All mentors must be vetted by SelectUSA before being confirmed.
The SelectUSA team looks forward to welcoming both mentors and mentees to the second year of this network and to supporting the growth of female-run businesses around the world.