Open, resilient, competitive: how trade can power the EU economy
The European Commission is gearing up to launch its renewed EU trade strategy tomorrow, Thursday, 18 February. AmCham EU supports strengthening trade policy around three key priorities: building resilience, competing on even footing and rebooting multilateralism. International trade is good for businesses, consumers and society. It creates jobs, enhances prosperity and helps project common values. Take a look at our positions on how trade can power the EU economy
Open strategic autonomy: what’s in a name?
The United States, as the EU’s closest and most powerful ally, will be an essential partner in the pursuit of open strategic autonomy. Find out how in an op-ed Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, penned last month for EURACTIV. Read the full op-ed
Virtual networking with the US Mission to the EU
On Thursday, 11 February, AmCham EU hosted its second virtual networking event between representatives from the US Mission to the EU and AmCham EU members and staff. Participants had the opportunity to exchange views around key policy areas such as trade, digital and Green Deal.
The Trade and External Affairs Committee met with Adeline Hinderer, Head of Unit and Vanda Marlovic, Policy Officer – Investment, Far East (Unit B.1), Directorate-General for Trade, European Commission. The discussion focused on the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI).The Customs and Trade Facilitation Committee engaged with Roel van’t Veld, Policy Advisor Specialist EU Affairs - Coordinator Brexit, Dutch Customs Administration and Chris Taylor, Head of Customs & Northern Ireland; Eve Davies-Tsagkadakis, First Secretary – Customs and Fiscal Policy; and Jonathan Joo-Thomson, First Secretary – Trade in Goods, UK Mission to the EU. The discussion focused on the implementation of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement for customs formalities. The European Parliament Outreach Task Force joined MEP Damian Boeselager (Greens/EFA, DE) for a discussion on financing the recovery. Mr Boeselager shared insights into his work in the European Parliament. More specifically, he addressed the impact of COVID-19 and the EU’s work on the economic recovery.The Security, Defence and Space Committee engaged with representatives of the French Permanent Representation to the European Union to discuss harmonisation of European Defence Fund eligibility criteria and the importance of a level playing field within the policy framework.The Transport, Energy and Climate committee met with Marco Pantaleo, Programme Manager for the European Innovation Council, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission and Francesco Matteucci, Programme Manager for the European Innovation Council, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission. The discussion covered the Council's work and the emphasis that has been placed on clean energy innovation.Members of the Transport, Energy and Climate committee joined Charlotte Norlund-Matthiessen, Policy Assistant to Commissioner Valean, European Commission to discuss the latest developments on the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and its inclusion in the EU taxonomy. The Agriculture and Food committee met with Nathalie Chaze, Director for Food Sustainability and International Relations; Alexandra Nikolakopoulou, Head of Unit for the Farm to Fork Strategy; and Anastasia Alvizou, Deputy Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission. The discussion covered sustainability in the context of risk perception in the agri-food sector.
Coming Up
Transatlantic Conference 2021 - Global leadership: A transatlantic opportunity
Join us from Wednesday, 24 March to Friday, 26 March 2021 for a discussion on the prospects for ‘Global leadership: A transatlantic opportunity’ at the annual AmCham EU Transatlantic Conference. Over three days, high-level European and American decision makers alongside business and academic thought leaders will discuss how the EU and the US can collaborate on trade, climate change and digital economy issues. See
here for more information and to register.
EU-US trade relations under the new Biden Administration: What can the Portuguese Presidency do?
Join us on Thursday, 25 February for the first event in the Portuguese Presidency series organised in collaboration with AmCham Portugal. The panel discussion will include EU institution speakers, Portuguese business representatives as well as US stakeholders. More information about the composition of the panel will be shared shortly. Register
AmChams in Europe
Business Immigration & Global Mobility in 2021: What’s next?
BritishAmerican Business is hosting a discussion on the prospects for business global mobility and immigration in the United States and the United Kingdom in the upcoming year. The event, held on Tuesday, 23 February, will bring together legal experts in immigration and tax. Find more information and register
American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union
Speaking for American business in Europe
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