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INVITATION: Virtual InSTEP Conversations – January 20 and January 26

14 January 2022 Friday

Dear all:
As a reminder, we are hosting two, virtual InSTEP discussions this month.
First up will be Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Representative of the United States to the United Nations, on Thursday, January 20 at 4:00pm ET. (NOTE: This is a NEW date). As the Biden Administration moves into its second year, we will talk with the Ambassador about her reflections on year one as well as some of today’s biggest global challenges - including climate change, inequality, the rise of authoritarian regimes, and regional conflicts - and U.S. leadership at the UN.
Second, Admiral James Stavridis USN (Ret) will be our featured guest speaker on Wednesday, January 26 at 4:00pm ET. We will focus on geopolitical hot spots and touch on themes from Admiral Stavridis’ recent book, “2034: A Novel of the Next World War.”
Both promise to be exciting conversations and we hope you’ll join us. If you haven't registered yet, please do so using the links below and reach out to Nicole Mitchell, nmitchell@uschamber.com, should you have any issues.
Virtual InSTEP Conversation featuring Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield (January 20) – Register Here
Virtual InSTEP Conversation featuring Admiral James Stavridis (January 26) – Register Here
Warmest regards,
Myron Brilliant
EVP & Head of International Affairs
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

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