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7 August 2020 Friday

Değerli TABA-AmCham Üyeleri,
Yıllardır Amerikan Ticaret Odası ile işbirliği içinde olan kurumumuza ve üyelerimize özel olarak US Chamber tarafından indirim sağlanan, 21-24 Eylül tarihlerinde sanal ortamda yapılması hedeflenen 38. Amerikan-Türk konferansının detaylarını ekte sizlerle paylaşmak isteriz.
$100 milyar ticaret hedefini dijital ekonomiden inşaata ve COVID ile mücadeleye kadar farklı sektör ve temalar altında ele alınacak konferansın güncel programını aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.
TABA-AmCham üyelerine özel indirimden faydalanmak için;
General Attendee seçimini yaparak ödeme sayfasında 3PCQ3A promosyon kodunu girmeniz yeterli olacaktır.
Program ile ilgili detaylı bilgi için  zguven@uschamber.org adresine mail atabilirsiniz.
The U.S. Chamber's U.S.-Turkey Business Council is happy to extend its member discount to TABA-AmCham members who wish to register for this year's virtual 38th American-Turkish Conference on Sept. 21-24.
To register, please visit the registration page and select 'GENERAL ATTENDEE' from the drop-down menu. All discounts will be applied upon entering the discount code 3PCQ3A we created specially for TABA-AmCham members during check-out.
You can view the latest ATC program here.
The U.S. Chamber’s U.S.-Turkey Business Council
Turkey-U.S. Business Council (TAIK)
are pleased to bring you the
38th American-Turkish Conference
held virtually from
September 14-17, 2020
For more than three decades, this conference has been the premier event for U.S. and Turkish business executives and cabinet members. Together, we will discuss U.S.-Turkey cooperation in strategic growth sectors contributing to the ambitious $100 billion bilateral trade volume goal that will help fuel the economic recovery in both countries. Conference sessions will also explore new opportunities and the reforms needed for continued progress.
Join hundreds of leaders of the
U.S.-Turkey business community in our
brand-new virtual format!
#VirtualATC | Virtual Conference Floor Illustration
Please note that if you have previously registered for the in-person American-Turkish Conference, scheduled for April 14-16, all registrations are transferrable. Credit will be applied where applicable.
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This e-mail was sent to zguven@uschamber.org and contains information directly related to your subscription profile.
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